Setting up simple systems is the ONLY way to avoid launch burnout as an introvert. 

Yeah, I said it!

   Without the right systems, launching feels… heavy, stretchy, out of control, overwhelming, stressful, a lot.    
☝️ sound familiar? 
*nods head*

It doesn’t have to be and it all starts with setting up simple systems to save your sanity (can you tell that alliteration is like my love language 🥰).

 But before then, before we can systemise your launch it all starts with knowing who you’re talking to and building your email list. So that you can launch your course without stressing out or losing sleep.  

When you join my 4 day Introvert Launch Incubator I’ll take you through my process whenever I launch something brand new. Plus how to generate new leads and stay calm, cool and collected all at the same time.  

Introvert Launch Incubator

Day 1:

🚀 The Who + The What - let’s break it down. Do you know who you are talking to and what you are selling them? In this session we’ll figure out who your soulmate clients are, identify their number 1 problem and map out your course idea. During this masterclass you'll work out exactly who you're selling to and have the first iteration of your course mapped out.

Day 2:
🚀 Let's Get Leads - it’s time to start converting your audience into a list! I’m going to take you through the long and short term strategies that work right now to get your leads pumping. In this masterclass you will start collecting new qualified leads in preparation for your upcoming launch.

Day 3:

🚀 Master your Mindset - what goes on in between your ears matters more than perhaps you think 🧠. As a certified NLP, EFT and Hypnosis practitioner I’ll share my favourite mindset hacks and how to tame your mind during a launch. At the end of the day you will no longer fear selling your course and launching will even feel fun!

Day 4:

🚀 Effective Energy Management - did you know that introverts need more sleep than extraverts? That we take longer to process information and that we need more energetic space than our extraverted sisters? Effective energy management for introverts is the often forgotten element when it comes to building a sustainable business and it’s even more important during a launch. Many of us fall into the trap of doing more than we can handle during a launch and we exhaust ourselves in the process. No more! By the end of the day you will understand and see how it's possible to completely avoid burnout during a launch

So, are you ready? Have you got questions?

Maybe you’re asking yourself:  
“Am I ready for this, I’m not even sure what I can sell” - I totally get that, but guess what… that’s what this masterclass is for! On day one we figure this out together so you can confidently sell your course.  

“I’ve tried to launch before but all it got me was burnt out” - ohhh I feel ya on that one, I was there too. Ultimately my goal for you after this masterclass is for you to see that it is totally possible for you as an introvert to launch in a way that feels easeful, flowy and heck even fun!  

Hi! I’m Bree Boucher, Introvert Launch Coach and Strategist, course creator and digital CEO. I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, 2 red heelers and a tabby cat.

 I’ve been where you are, starting out with an idea but not a lot of clue about where to go after that.  

3 years ago I started my business with a name but no idea what I wanted to sell. I just knew that I had to start a business and I’d figure it out as I went… that I did, but it took me almost 3 years to figure it all out and I don’t want that to be you! 🙈  

In my ‘spare time’ I teach teens and adults aerials, I love the static trapeze personally and get a real kick out of seeing the progress of my students as they build their skills, confidence, strength and flexibility.

If you’re ready to learn how this is all possible from someone who has been there, taught it, figured it out and now has their launches on repeat…