Are you ready for the most fun, easeful, stress-free online launch your business has ever seen?

Join Launch Like an Introvert Lite – my self guided 8 week course designed to take the guesswork out of launching so you can sell out your offers in just 60 days!

Launching your digital offers just got a whole lot flowier (and WAY more fun) with Launch Like An Introvert as your new business BFF 🙌

🤕 You’re sick of following someone else’s launch plan (that doesn't really feel like you at all) and in exchange, all you get is burnout and *crickets* during launch time.

🤢 You’ve been caught up in too many courses and programs where you’re following a prescribed method that feels out of alignment but you don’t know what else to do, so you do it anyway and then it feels all icky so you get nowhere.

🤯 You want to work WITH your introverted nature and not against it, you know there must be a better way, but aren’t really sure what that is yet.

The bottom line is: you know you should be promoting your business more and you know you need to show up more to make this happen, but you feel so awkward and uncomfortable following all of the launch strategies these extrovert *gurus* keep pushing you to do

....and if you can't turn this launch into a success, it's back to finding another soul-draining day job and sucking up to people you don't even like.

If this sounds exactly what you're struggling with right now, hold my kombucha, lovely... things are about to become wayyy better.

say goodbye to complex web-like funnels and launch calendars


And the best part is... this program was made especially for introverts like me and you in mind! You'll never have to feel intimidated, left out, or overwhelmed by your extroverted peers. I created this space for you to make you feel safe and supported in your online business journey.

And the best part is... this program was made especially for introverts like me and you in mind! You'll never have to feel intimidated, left out, or overwhelmed by your extroverted peers. I created this space for you to make you feel safe and supported in your online business journey.

Stop one minute and imagine this...

✨ Imagine not having to struggle to survive and doing work that doesn't feel forced or uncomfortable

✨ Imagine feeling so aligned with your business that making money becomes easier because you finally found what works for you!

✨ Imagine having the confidence to launch your digital offers through strategies that bring out the best in you, attracting more of the right people to your course, product, or program

✨ Imagine creating financial stability without having to risk your time and relationships with your friends and family through a business that gives you joy, light, and abundance!

Newsflash... you need to launch to have all those things!

The only thing between you and your dream life and business is that launch you're planning right now.

Take out your notebooks. We're about to get serious here.

You have big dreams for your business, and you know that there's only so much you can do with a one-on-one business model. You want to launch a course or digital product so you can have more time and space for your other activities.
You deserve that trip to Disneyland with your family, lovely!

You know that launching a digital product, course, or membership program is key to the life of freedom that you crave for. You tried to launch on your own but things didn't go exactly as hoped.

You followed other people's techniques to a 'T' but you ended up getting overwhelmed, burnt out, and not feeling good about yourself. You easily got lost in all the steps because you don't really understand why you're doing what you're doing, and how to properly execute the strategy.

Let's be honest - you're exhausted and the last thing your brain can think about right now is how to shoot and edit that perfect Instagram Reel.

You launch deadline is fast approaching when you find yourself stuck in decision paralysis, wondering why these steps aren't coming to you naturally like they do when you're working with your clients.

After weeks of preparation, you are met with the fact that not enough people are buying your offers. You've barely made enough to fully cover your bills or quit your job.

You're starting to doubt yourself and think whether you should just throw in the towel.


Let's not stress about launching when what you need is just on the other side of this page...

  • A launch process that flows and feels easy, natural and fun. Sales feels and comes easily, they’re flowing in.
  • Content strategies that get your audience engaged - planned and scheduled in advance
  • A small team (even just one VA) working to support you in your launch
  • Templates that help you create launch assets in a fraction of the time, without stressing over what it should look like, what you should add, and how it should sound
  • Support from a community of fellow introverts who help you unlock your full potential and promote your business in a way that feels good to you instead of following someone else's strategy that was obviously not custom-made for you.


Launch Like an Introvert is my live group program and course with 1:1 upgrades designed for introverted online business owners

Launch Like an Introvert Lite is my self guided 8 week course designed to take the guesswork out of launching so you can sell out your offers in just 60 days!


Are you ready to cry happy tears after you get multiple sign ups to your course and experience launching like this...

Here's what's waiting for you inside Launch Like an Introvert...

01 Ideation

During this week, we'll map out your new (or revisit your existing) digital product as a skeleton program.

💡 Digital product/offer skeleton mapped out
💡 Launch plan and strategy planned out

02 Validation

Understand exactly what your ideal client and audience are asking you to create

✓ Validate idea with market research
✓ Lead magnet designed

By the end of this week, you will have more clarity around what you're offering and feel more confident to deliver this offer and launch

03 Creation

We'll have a minimum viable product to share with your audience.

💡 Digital Offer ready for sale
💡 Sales page designed

By the end of this week, you will have designed a sales page, your lead magnet is ready to be delivered and your launch strategy is clearly defined.

04 Vision

We'll take some time during the week to feel into your vision for the launch to reflect on past results and identify targets you’re aiming for this time.

✨ Calling in leads
✨ Preparation for launch
✨ Vision for launch
✨ Visualisation meditation

By the end of this week you will have an outcomes based vision for your launch and know exactly how you will reach your goals.

05 Abundance

Prepared to begin making sales in 1 week’s time and are in the right mindset to accept the abundance

💰 Ready for sales
💰 Open Cart with live activation

By the end of this week you will be calling in leads to your launch activation event and all systems are ready and prepared to open cart!

06 Receiving

Learn how to remain open and tuned in to your prospective customers, meeting them where they’re at and you will have the data to inform where you need to adjust.

🫶 Remaining open to sales and holding faith
🫶 Last minute sales activations

By the end of this week you will be calling in more sales, speaking with your audience directly and you can say you’ve given it all you got!

07 Close Cart

Layering on top of your existing pre-scheduled content with any last minute incentives that you have identified pre or during launch based on data you have collected.

🛒 Calling in the last sales
🛒 Close cart on Launch

08 Debrief

Reflecting back on the launch, measuring how well it has gone, referencing your goals and data as indicators of success. You will also welcome your new customers into the offer making sure they have an amazing experience from the first second after purchase.

🗒️ Group Launch Debrief
🗒️ Onboarding students into your offer

By the end of this week you will know what you need to adjust for the next launch and you will be celebrating your new customers and the transformation that is coming their way.

"Bree is a highly talented individual, with a creative mind and a load of patience. Her support in this area of my business is invaluable and I look forward to continuing to work with her."

Bree really is the Queen when it comes to launching and it is so helpful that she understands the nuances of introvert energy and how it can impact the launching process. Her knowledge, approach and support have helped me to appreciate that launching as an introvert can actually be a beautiful and energising experience, and that I don’t need to do things the way I’ve seen others do it. If you are an introvert in business and you’re looking to launch an offering in a way that leverages your strengths, Bree is your girl. I’d have no hesitation in recommending her and her programs.

Bec McFarland
Career and Business Coach

Bec McFarland
Career and Business Coach

But wait... there’s more!

In addition to the entire Launch Like an Introvert 8-week program, I’m also going to throw in three epic bonuses to help you fast track your launch.

Template Starter Pack

Includes a launch calculator, project plan templates and launch debrief checklist.

Launch Mindset Bundle

Includes a collection of meditations, journaling prompts, Self-Hypnosis Audio and EFT (tapping) sessions to help break through the mindset battles before, during and after a launch.

5 Day Funnel Challenge

Includes a 5 day funnel challenge to set up and start collecting leads within 5 days.

Don't just take it from me...

See that?

After just a few weeks of working together, we were able to get over 30 people signed up into Amanda's fresh, new digital product.

I'm here to help you do the same...


Have a launch process that's easy, fun, but strategic. We are going to take away the stress of launching and make it as less stressful but most effective as possible. We do this by laser focusing on the most important parts of the launch.


Have a well laid out content plan that's created and scheduled in advance so you can gradually prep your audience to be more engaged and excited for your launch. You won't have to worry about getting crickets on your next launch.


Have more positive emotional and mental energy, more time for your friends and family, and have your life consumed by your launch. At the end of our time together, you will feel more confident and inspired to share your products and offers.

Meet Kylie James

First up I will say - I’m an ideas gal and not a systems gal. This where Bree enters the scene. We brainstormed, planned, talked about systems and got clear on what result I wanted to achieve in my business. Bree then worked her magic on getting me organised! Thank you Bree for showing me a logical, no-fuss way to help me launch my next big idea. Yes there is a bunch of stuff I still have to do however you have taken away the stress of all the things I don’t like to do. Working with you has been wonderful. I highly recommend Bree to any small biz owner who needs help to untangle all the planning, systems and processes and get focussed on launching!

Meet Kylie James

First up I will say - I’m an ideas gal and not a systems gal. This where Bree enters the scene. We brainstormed, planned, talked about systems and got clear on what result I wanted to achieve in my business. Bree then worked her magic on getting me organised! Thank you Bree for showing me a logical, no-fuss way to help me launch my next big idea. Yes there is a bunch of stuff I still have to do however you have taken away the stress of all the things I don’t like to do. Working with you has been wonderful. I highly recommend Bree to any small biz owner who needs help to untangle all the planning, systems and processes and get focussed on launching!

Meet Michele Scherr

As a relatively new business owner with ALL. THE. THINGS. to do, there are so many competing priorities! I asked Bree to conduct a Business Audit for me to help me identify where the worst 'holes' were and where I can be doing better. It didn't take her long and she supplied me with written and recorded feedback.  It's brilliant. Having had that second set of eyes over the public face and behind the scenes of my business, I now see it from the customer perspective so much better and I can prioritise where to put my energies on rounding out my business for clients and potential clients. Thanks Bree!

Meet Michele Scherr

As a relatively new business owner with ALL. THE. THINGS. to do, there are so many competing priorities! I asked Bree to conduct a Business Audit for me to help me identify where the worst 'holes' were and where I can be doing better. It didn't take her long and she supplied me with written and recorded feedback.  It's brilliant. Having had that second set of eyes over the public face and behind the scenes of my business, I now see it from the customer perspective so much better and I can prioritise where to put my energies on rounding out my business for clients and potential clients. Thanks Bree!

Ready to ditch the sleazy launch tactics and start selling your offers the introvert way?

Get the VIP upgrade and be granted access to our entire resource hub (valued at $2,084) along with custom support and emergency coaching sessions







  • 8 Module video course including transcription, worksheets and weekly action steps ($880 value)
  • Launch Like an Introvert Starter Pack v2.0 ($198 value)
  • Launch Like an Introvert Mindset Audio Pack ($198 value)
  • 5 Day Freebie Funnel Challenge ($781 value)
  • Pre-Sell Bundle ($97 value)




  • All benefits under Launch Like An Introvert Self-Study Program plus:
  • 12 Weekly Office Hours (asynchronous support, audio, video, text responses, content review, audits, tech support) ($1800 value)
  • 1 x Emergency Coaching Session (12 week validity) ($222 value)
  • 12 Weekly Accountability Sprints (weekly 1:1 30min quick check in sessions, next action steps) ($900 value)
  • Pay In Full Bonus: Custom Launch Plan and Content Plan ($700 value)



I've invested in those "success guaranteed" courses, those "influencer approved" courses, those programs that promised to change your life and your business but left you more confused and overwhelmed as ever.

Plus, when things don't work out, they point fingers at you, saying you must not have done the work!


I'm not offering a cookie cutter / one size fits all approach to launching. It's through this program that you will discover a tailored launch strategy that suits you and your goals.

Even the self-study version has access to me for personalised support, guidance and coaching.  The inclusion of templates, weekly homework and mindset activities brings this together into a program unlike what you've seen out there already.

We'll also have unique mindset exercises like EFT (tapping) sessions, journaling prompts, self-hypnosis audio tracks that are guided towards the weekly themes and the struggles that an entrepreneur is going through throughout a launch period.

  • Launch your thing using my program method and have your product advertised to my 3000+ email list and be featured on my podcast.

  • 14 Day Money Back Guarantee - don’t love the content or my teaching style? Get your money back within 14 days of purchasing the program by emailing hello@breeboucher.com - no hoops to jump through. I am that confident that you will start seeing results in your first two weeks!


There is a better way to launch your offers. One that doesn't require you to be overwhelmed, exhausted, and guilty when things don't go your way.

Having a clear and effective launch plan is still the most important part of your marketing activities. This will eventually make or break your promotions.

You won't be as effective in sales if you keep following these one-size-fits-all launch plans that don't really align with your goals and your personality.

Launching is supposed to be a life transforming experience. I want you to feel all its benefits, without the stress and headaches that come with it.

Going on vacations? Taking your family to dinner? Having the weekends off? Hiring a team so you can focus on more money-making activities? Launching is what's going to help you get there.

And I'm here to help you make that happen.

Launch Like An Introvert will teach you all the strategies, tools, and resources I used to launch all of my digital products. I'm not talking about a one-time launch here. This program is a collection of all the lessons I've learned from multiple launches, using custom strategies and techniques.

Your launch process doesn't have to be draining. When you are in alignment with what you're doing, things flow more naturally. That's exactly what sets this program apart from anything else you've ever enrolled in. Even the self-study program includes support and access to me, because I don't want you feeling confused and left alone in this journey.

Hi!! I’m Bree Boucher, an Online Business Manager and Strategist. I live in Catalina, Australia with my husband, 2 red heelers and a tabby cat.

After years of coaching and teaching my clients I realised that what I love the most about my business is that I get to work with Introverts just like me, to support them with setting up the systems and strategy so they can lead from their soul. So now I focus on just that!

I am a funnel and launch specialist, with experience in project and people management and a love for all things *dusty pink and mint green aesthetic*.

In my ‘spare time’ I also teach teens and adults aerials, I love the static trapeze personally and get a real kick out of seeing the progress of my students as they build their skills, confidence, strength and flexibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: I think you’d know if this is right for you based on the amount of real estate this program has been taking up in your head for the last few weeks! So if you’ve been thinking about joining, but perhaps waiting for that sign from the universe… this is probably it!

This program is right for you if you are an Introverted, Soul Driven, Online Business Owner who is in the early to scaling stages of their business and has attempted a launch or two in the past but something didn’t feel right or you didn’t get the results you were looking for.

A: This is a self-paced course, you can start as soon as you click 'buy'! You can move through the content as quickly or slowly as you need, the content is not dripped out so you can skip ahead if you need to access a certain phase now and to come back to other sections later as you need. 

You will also have access to all future rounds of this program when I run it live, plus any updates to the content as they're released (and there's plenty planned).

A: How long it takes honestly depends on where you are at on your business journey and if you already have a product to sell or if you are starting from scratch in this program.

However, when you upgrade to the Launch Like an Introvert VIP program you will launch with me as your personal guide, together you will launch in 12 weeks or less.

When you select the self-study program you can take as long as you’d like, however the content is designed to be completed in 8 weeks. There are weekly tasks, activities and homework to keep you motivated and on track.

A: From this program you will receive templates and methods that you will be able to use again and again, giving you a repeatable launch method that is unique to you and your personal energetic signature.

You will also receive access to 8 weeks of modules and core materials that you can refer to in future launches.

A: Access to Launch Like an Introvert is ‘Lifetime’ which means that you will have access to the content for as long as the program is available in my shop and course platform (i.e. lifetime of the product, not my lifetime or yours!).

You will receive access to all future live rounds of the program that I run and any updates to the content that comes with it. Meaning you will receive the benefits of all future improvements. How cool is that?!

Ok, well that’s not a bad thing actually. Not everyone is into doing it all for themselves and would much prefer to work along side a cohort in a group or have the work done for them.

That’s where I can help. There is a VIP version of this program available for you to upgrade into at any time - simply send me a message and we can get started.

Orrrr if you’re more into the “do it for me” vibes, then book in a free consult call and let’s chat about my Launch Plan in a Day or Launch Manager packages.

A: Ooh, well I’d love to help! When this live round ends you will be invited to continue on and join me in a super secret invite only opportunity.

A: The cost of Launch Like an Introvert is $247 for the self-study course. Or $2497 for the VIP Upgrade. The relative cost to hire me as your personal Launch and Mindset coach would be well over 5x this price.

A: Yes I most definitely do! If you would rather spread the cost over multiple months, I offer a payment plan of $92.50 x 3 monthly payments for the self-study course. Or $500 x 5 monthly payments for the VIP Upgrade Package.

A: No, the tech involved during a launch is specific to your tech stack and what you enjoy using. I will recommend my favourite software or systems to use, but if you can confidently translate that into your own software and systems, awesome!

If you aren’t super tech savvy, then this is something I can help with during the 1:1 or group coaching sessions.

A: Yes I do, if you find yourself 14 days or less into this program and you are not happy with my style of teaching or the content was not as you expected you will be able to request a refund of the remaining costs less any fees incurred. Your access to the program content will be cancelled.

A: Not to worry, I’m more than happy to chat with you in email or via the chatbox on this page. Let’s work it out, I’d definitely love to have you in the program if it’s right for you!







  • 8 Module video course including transcripts, worksheets and weekly action steps ($880 value)
  • Launch Like an Introvert Starter Pack v2.0 ($198 value)
  • Launch Like an Introvert Mindset Audio Pack ($198 value)
  • 5 Day Freebie Funnel Challenge ($781 value)
  • Pre-Sell Bundle ($97 value)




  • All benefits under Launch Like An Introvert Self-Study Program plus:
  • 12 Weekly Office Hours (asynchronous support, audio, video, text responses, content review, audits, tech support) ($1800 value)
  • 1 x Emergency Coaching Session (12 week validity) ($222 value)
  • 12 Weekly Accountability Sprints (weekly 1:1 30min quick check in sessions, next action steps) ($900 value)
  • Pay In Full Bonus: Custom Launch Plan and Content Plan ($700 value)


Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results. This website is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, Inc.

I acknowledge the Yuin people as the Traditional Owners of the land that I live and work on. I pay my respects to all First Nations people and Elders past, present and emerging.